
A 8-post collection

By The Sword

By Matthew Hunter |  Jul 5, 1991  | valdemar
By The Sword, sometimes called Kerowyn’s Tale, is the first of what I call the Heraldic Biographies – by which I mean stand-alone novels describing an individual Herald’s life from the moment of being Chosen to the completion of their life’s main adventure. Kerowyn’s story substantially predates the rest, and ends up being vital to later events. But first, who exactly is Kerowyn? Simple: the granddaughter of Kethry (from the Vows and Honor sequence), Kerowyn is the eldest daughter of a minor noble whose marriage to Kethry’s only utterly brainless daughter was his one and only big lucky break.
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Magic's Price

By Matthew Hunter |  Jul 5, 1990  | valdemar
Vanyel Ashkevron, Herald-Mage of Valdemar, is no longer young, and no longer on the front lines. His tremendous talents of mind and magic – along with an impressive reputation – are employed within the walls of Haven, running the kingdom of Valdemar according to the wishes of King Randale. But Randale’s health is failing fast, and there are other problems lurking just out of sight. The “ordinary” Heralds, without Vanyel’s mage-talents, feel themselves worthless in comparison… and the feeling is returned by the people of Valdemar, who would rather deal with a problem themselves then call for help and receive just an ordinary Herald.
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Magic's Promise

By Matthew Hunter |  Jul 5, 1990  | valdemar
Vanyel Ashkevron, Herald-Mage of Valdemar, has faced the worst that the world can throw at him. Karsite demons, enemy mages, creatures from the Pelagirs; he has faced and defeated them all. The bards he once aspired to join now sing songs of his exploits to a rapt nation. Young women worship his image while fearing to approach a legend. Even his teacher, Savil, acknowledges that Vanyel’s talents have exceeded her own in many areas.
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By Matthew Hunter |  Jul 5, 1989  | valdemar
Having made their reputation as independent mercenaries, Tarma and Kethry set out to advance their careers by joining an established mercenary company. Their hope is simple enough: work hard, rise up through the ranks, and eventually, attract the attention of a noble with land to grant and some need that only Tarma and Kethry can soothe. For values of soothing that involve swords and sorcery, of course. As with all of Lackey’s Valdemar novels, the characters end up finding what they were looking for.
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Arrow's Fall

By Matthew Hunter |  Jul 5, 1988  | valdemar
Arrow’s Fall completes the story of Talia, Queen’s Own Herald of Valdemar. Returning from her internship, Talia’s friends and allies at Court welcome her back with the news that the Queen is considering a betrothal for Elspeth, heir to the throne, at the insistence of her advisors. The betrothal offer came from Ancar of Hardorn, a neighboring kingdom with a history of friendship, if not outright alliance, but something about the situation doesn’t sit right with the Queen – nor with the Queen’s Own.
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The Oathbound

By Matthew Hunter |  Jul 5, 1988  | valdemar
The story of Tarma and Kathry, shin’a’in swordsworn and white-winds mage, begins as a short story published in a collection. After two or three stories, the characters made it into a full-fledged novel set slightly before the events in the Arrows of the Queen trilogy. Although this book successfully stands alone, readers will want to read the sequel Oathbreakers, and may also be interested in Oathblood (which collects the short stories concerning the two main characters into a single volume).
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Arrow's Flight

By Matthew Hunter |  Jul 5, 1987  | valdemar
Arrow’s Flight is the second novel of the Arrows of the Queen trilogy, and the second in Mercedes Lackey’s tales of Valdemar. It picks up the story with the completion of Talia’s Collegium training, and about to begin her internship with one of the other Heralds. The internship period is the final test before becoming a full-fledged Herald, and it will take Talia out of the capital city of Haven and into the northern border areas of Valdemar.
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Arrows of the Queen

By Matthew Hunter |  Jul 5, 1987  | valdemar
Arrows of the Queen is probably Mercedes Lackey’s first published work, or close to it, and that shows; although it’s well written for a first novel, it has the rough edges of inexperience, and a certain naive simplicity that renders it eminently suitable for children (really, young teenagers) and sometimes less engrossing for adults. All her works tend to have a touch of those qualities, but Arrows of the Queen is an explicitly escapist fantasy: a young girl’s dream of magical horses to cure her loneliness and carry her away from all her troubles.
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