
A 4-post collection

Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 143

By Nottanis |  Jul 17, 2024  | osrrealms, nottanis, morin, pusha
Nottanis When Pusha came running out of the southern corridor yelling about a cleric with a corpse crawler for a pet, we decided the better part of valor was to retreat and possibly come back later. Those crawlers are no joke; we heard about them from Feverborne when he was going after the sewer rats. And getting caught between the cleric and the trogolodytes likely already on their way would have been very difficult to escape.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 142

By Nottanis |  Jun 26, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, nottanis, morin, pusha, punchman
Nottanis The next room to the northeast had two strange vases, filled with earth and decayed flowers of some kind. u-Heury collected some in case they came in handy, and we found small bones that had been broken as if to suck out the marrtow, but a search turned up nothing else of interest in the room at first. We had posted guards near the eastern entrance, and that turned out to be a good decision.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 141

By Nottanis |  Jun 19, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, nottanis, morin, pusha, punchman
Nottanis Pusha made crowns for the St Yggian feast of virgins, and then took us to a curiousity shop. We were discussing various job opportunities, and not really coming up with anything local. Without u-Heury to keep the troglodytes’ attention, we weren’t confident of defeating them in a straight up fight, so we brainstormed tactics and evaluated alternatives. Eventually we settled on a strategy for the troglodytes: a chest of rotting fish left as bait, laced with pest-control poison from Nifty’s contacts, followed up with my spell of magical slumber from ambush as they suffered the consequences of the poison, Nifty and Morin to assassinate and backstab simultaneously, and as many hirelings as we can bring to back us up in the fight with the remaining fish-men.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 140

By Nottanis |  Jun 12, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, nottanis, morin, pusha, punchman
Nottanis Feverborne called me in to help with selling three books in elvish the group had recovered some time ago and wanted to read before deciding whether or not to sell. I read a chapter from each, and decided two of them were worth reading more thoroughly. Worlds Beyond described alternative planes and dimensions, and Libraries of the Ancients was all about libraries and why elven libraries were better than all the others.
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