
A 13-post collection

Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 130

By Bern |  Mar 20, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, bern, ygnas, pish
Bern We went to the Wrinkled Medley to further the investigation into Mr. Klepp. My finely tailored weatherproof cloak and an outlandish haircut got me in past the generally hoity-toity doorman. The bard Hugh was auditioning for a musical act of some time, and the rest of us were tagging along to get information One of the guests, Mr Wyrmspittle, mentioned Mr Klepp, noting that he had been unwell and not getting out much.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 127

By Bern |  Feb 7, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, bern, ygnas, pish
Bern After Ygnas announced that she had used the stone arch as a portal to the elemental plane of fire and burned down the town, we fled. We stuck to the road for about four hours, eventually meeting up with Kiba well outside of town and spending the night there. In the morning we investigated the signs of a battle between mosslings are some sort of winged creature. The details were unclear, but there was a dead mossling with four blue nuts.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 126

By Bern |  Jan 24, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, bern, ygnas, pish
Bern Somehow a bunch of fresh faces from the Glorious Blades joined us out here. How they found us I have no idea. Pretty sure I don’t know where I am at this point. But Rowen must have had something to do with it, since she wandered out of town muttering about ley lines about the same time. I let her go without comment. I don’t need ley lines, I need my arm fixed.
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