
A 46-post collection

Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 102

By Oscar |  May 25, 2023  | osrrealms, oscar
The grinding noise came from the two statues in the hallway. An expected they had animated. As we heard their footsteps stomping towards us, I gave Morin my large sacks and a torch, telling her to stuff anything valuable from the secret room into the sacks as fast as she could while u-Heury and I tried to deal with the statues. u-Heury set himself up by the door, planning to hold it closed as long as possible.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 101

By Oscar |  May 17, 2023  | osrrealms, oscar
The last two rats fell or fled as we tore apart their nest, finding a few gold coins in the process, but with that Denara’s blessing faded away. We deferred searching the rest of the nest immediately, though we did make an effort to block the hole to the outside to prevent (or at least delay) reentry. We chose to investigate the secret door in the back of the chamber.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 78

By Oscar |  Oct 6, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar Our testing of the valve configurations proved fruitful. We rapidly discovered that turning both valves to the right (east) raised the porticullis leading to the shrine, which is located just south of the valve room, and turning the left valve up and the right valve right raises a dam that allows the shrine to drain. Within the shrine of a statue, along with writing. If a hero you would be and see my foe’s filth, vermin and plague destroyed, grant me a weapon and I will grant you the means to see it through.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 77

By Oscar |  Sep 29, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar Rowen opened the east door, but it was empty this time. At least empty of wererats. It did have some kind of sewage channel, and evidence that filthy creatures had camped there until recently. After a quick search we moved to the south door. This one was also empty of rats, but did have a closet, a staircase leaeding to the surface, and some creepy construction methods that made the moaning noises we had noted previously when the wind blew.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 76

By Oscar |  Sep 22, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar, stria
Oscar I had a plan. It was a good plan. We would hire a group of mercenaries. Two groups, really. All of them would be armed with missile weapons. One group would take the new entrance into the sewers, and set up on the west side of the pool room where a small platform offered space for three or four archers or slingers. The other group would take the canoes to the east side of the pool room, where a larger platform could support up to six.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 75

By Oscar |  Sep 14, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar, stria
Oscar We put together a small group to explore the sewers, looking for the missing children. I engaged two bodyguards, Stria brought herself and her two favorite daggers as usual, and u-Heury recruited the young Thomas, a street urchin and apparently the first member of the Ice Skulls, a new tribe of urban barbarians. I’m looking forward to watching u-Huery explain this to his ancestors or shamans or foster fathers or whoever is theoretically in charge of him.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 61

By Oscar |  Jun 2, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar Through rain, through mist, through flood and foul weather, we finally made our way to Threshold. U-heary and I camped outside while Stria went to find Basil, and we arranged to meet at the gate in case the guards had awkward questions about our exotic zoo animal. They did, but after taking our names (I gave my real name, and my companions did not) and paying taxes, they let the creature into the city and into Basil’s hands.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 60

By Oscar |  May 19, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar With the gibbering mouther not where we had expected it, and not visible in the darkness, I had to retreat without attempting to neutralize it’s magical powers. Luckily not all of our group had fallen to the creature’s unholy powers. I hurried back towards the group, swapping places with u-Heury. While the brave boy held off the creature, I called upon Denara, and silenced it’s gibbering. The creature failed to resist.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 59

By Oscar |  May 12, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar I spent most of the last year in a sanitorium. They thought my obsession with black sand was unhealthy. Fools. They only taught me to shut up about it. I see a bright new future in carbon trading! By regulating the burning of fuel, the church can tax absolutely everything! Transportation, farming, even lighting your home at night! Ahem. Where was I? After they let me out, I took a role with the church running a small gambling operation in partnership with the temple of Crom.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 58

By Oscar |  May 5, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar Before we could use the entrance we found, a crazed halfling called to us from the other side of the moat wanting a boat ride. We brought him over to the island once we realized it was Sanfire, a fellow member of the Glorious Blades And Hammer. We descended into the area below the floating tower. Within, a large room with several wall sconces holding candles on top of skull pyramids.
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