
A 51-post collection

Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 139

By Feverborne |  Jun 5, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, feverborne, morin, pish, punchman
Feverborne There were three trogolodytes, one for me, one for Oohya, and one for Pusha. Verminbane sliced mine in half deftly; I took only a small scratch in return. The others did not fare as well, both falling to their opponents quickly. Morin, however, struck from the shadows and killed one. The remaining creature fled down the ladder into what I assumed was their hideous larder of rotting flesh. Trusting Morin to hold the lantern and watch over our friends, I followed the creature down the ladder, hoping to slay it before it could find reinforcements.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 138

By Feverborne |  May 29, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, feverborne, morin, pish, punchman
Feverborne We spoke with Bryce and Tristan, getting directions to the place their friend went missing. I took the opportunity to buy a bullseye lantern and oil, hoping that the longer range would help our explorations, and the ability to close the lantern to shut off the light would help us avoid notice. We descended into the sewers, following the directions given to us by the guild of sewermen. A slippery path downwards led to a long passageway north.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 137

By Feverborne |  May 22, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, feverborne, morin, pish
Feverborne The amulet and potion turned out to be magical under Pish’s examination, the rest did not. We estimated the value of the dagger at 1500gp, but determined that no one is Eastdale would want to buy such a thing after Retep the antiquities dealer lowballed us. We determined that the best chance to get full value was to travel to a larger city, either Threshold or Prigswort, and determined to go to Threshold as I had other business there.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 136

By Feverborne |  May 15, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, feverborne, morin, pish
Feverborne We spent the next day hunting and recuperating. Nifty and Pish hunted up a nice fat deer, which was roasted over a fire. We kept watch over the entrance to the grotto, hoping to get some warning if the strange ooze creature left. It did not, at least not that we saw. We spent a second night, and Closea’s grace healed my wounds. The platinum ring turned out to not be magical.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 135

By Feverborne |  May 8, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, feverborne, morin, pish
Feverborne We left u-Heury negotiating with the slime monster and headed north, hoping to find the killer frogs by the underground stream and explore further. On the way, Nifty found all sorts of trouble: first she tried to dust the pillar of skulls and nearly died when it triggered some sort of magical effect. Then, in the next room, she bumped into a floating dust ball and had to be tied down with a rope to keep her from floating away.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 134

By Feverborne |  Apr 17, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, feverborne, morin, pish
Feverborne We met in Eastdale, hoping to finish exploring the Grotto. With Morin along, we hoped to open a door that had previously been locked and impassable; beyond that, there were areas on the second level that we had yet to explore. While the undead areas might hold serious danger, the river with the frogs seemed possibly safer. Eastdale itself was not at all friendly to elves; Pish had some trouble getting inside the walls, though she spoke little of it.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 121

By Feverborne |  Nov 29, 2023  | osrrealms, dolemwood, feverborne
Feverborne When the ancient fortuneteller in Cloacina’s congregation told me I had to leave right away to save my friends, I didn’t ask many questions. She said to go to the manse of the lady Ygraine, near Westkeep, and I was familiar with the place. More, I knew Bern had been sniffing around that area – probably literally, he’s as much beast as man – in search of a cure for his withered arm.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 112

By Feverborne |  Aug 10, 2023  | osrrealms, feverborne
We made our way back to Thatchem on birdback. The wizards of matwoob were willing to buy what we managed to recover, and expressed some dismay at our description of the current occupants of “their” tower. They did offer us a magical staff that would enable us to climb to the floating island via a stairway to heaven for future trips. Elvinia agreed to take charge of that on behalf of the group.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 111

By Feverborne |  Aug 3, 2023  | osrrealms, feverborne
As soon as we stepped foot into the room below, a magical mouth appeared, shouting a word in some language none of us knew. It was obviously some kind of alarm. We hurried explored to the west, finding a staircase down and another alarm. We opened the door to the south just as some kind of creature entered the room, from the other staircase. With horror I recognized it from the tales of fellow guards: an armadillo with twin antenna, otherwise known as a rust monster.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 110

By Feverborne |  Jul 27, 2023  | osrrealms, feverborne
The strange skeletal lampray latched on to u-Heury’s balls and bit down hard. Blood went everywhere, and the kid yelped like a eunuch. Before I could draw my sword, the thing detached and fled. Apparently u-Heury doesn’t taste fishy. I carefully offered prayers to Clocea to clense his body of injuries and his mind of impure thoughts, while laying my hands on his shoulders. It stopped the bleeding, but I wasn’t going to look closer to see what, if anything, was left.
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