
A 32-post collection

Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 160

By Bern |  Feb 26, 2025  | osrrealms, morin, bern, u-heury, pish
Bern No one felt quite ready to take on the rag man. After some discussion, we decided to investigate the Abbott’s study. The secret door into his study had been smashed open by the party prior to my arrival. Morin and Pish scouted ahead. The study itself was empty, but Pish heard voices from close by and moved to investigate. She was immediately spotted. As it turns out, the next room had a force of knights standing guard, the ones who had refused to flee after the exit was revealed.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 159

By Bern |  Feb 13, 2025  | osrrealms, morin, bern, u-heury, pisha
Bern After a few agonizing minutes, the rest of the group emerged from the tower entrance. Above, the dark bird-like construct of shadows and rags took flight towards the graveyard. Sensing an opportunity, I remained in hiding, allowing the group to visibly leave the bell tower grounds while the construct presumably kept a suspicious eye on them. Instead, I snuck into the bell tower myself. The first floor was empty aside from an obvious statue, which presumably the others had examined thoroughly.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 158

By Bern |  Feb 5, 2025  | osrrealms, morin, bern, sanfire, pisha
Bern We rested and recuperated for a few days. I was still hurt, but not badly, when the blood moon was starting to set; Rowan and Pisha worried that might be a time limit for the missing children, so we needed to act quickly. We formed a plan. Morin would sneak trough the window into the gatehouse, grab the monk’s body, and sneak it out the window. Rowan and Pisha would use spells to create a distraction to draw the attention of the gargoyles.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 157

By Bern |  Jan 31, 2025  | osrrealms, morin, bern, sanfire, pisha
Bern I woke up late, with quite a headache. No idea exactly what happened… except there was a waning moon, just a sliver less than full. Pappy’s curse must have taken over. The rest of the group had taken their gear and left, presumably when they saw my empty bedroll and couldn’t find me. No blood or signs of struggle, so I must have managed to get far enough away before the curse took over.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 156

By Bern |  Nov 20, 2024  | osrrealms, nottanis, bern, nara
Bern We investigated the skeleton found at the bottom of the tower where Violet, Lady Harrowmore’s daughter, had been abducted from. It was badly damaged, perhaps from a fall. A dosh of embalmer’s whiskey made it talk; it admitted to abducting Violet on the orders of Mister Rag-n-Bones. It claimed the girl had been taken to “the abbey”. I looked for tracks and found little, just a hint or two of something heading southwest.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 155

By Nottanis |  Nov 13, 2024  | osrrealms, nottanis, bern, nara
Nottanis I woke to Frisky pulling a massive thorn bramble out of my throat. That hurt, but everything else felt better. Our surroundings had changed completely, so I surmised I had been knocked unconscious and my companions had dragged me to safety. A very close call. I thought it over carefully and decided I was done for the moment; learning the spell would be beyond my ability for some time, and I had almost died.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 133

By Bern |  Apr 10, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, bern, ygnas, pish
Bern Somehow we managed to escape the supernatural pull of the henge, and decided it was time for a break from adventure after that close call. I passed the tip about Aster’s fashions and the market in Prigswort to Oscar, who made an obscene amount of money trading on it. Nottanis spent some time researching the ivy ring we found, which turned out to be capable of magically controlling plants.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 132

By Bern |  Apr 3, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, bern, ygnas, pish
Bern We traveled further towards the southwest, but ended up walking in circles. I made the best of it and hunted up a small fox. There wasn’t enough left for a hat. Later on we encountered two groups of four strange walkers. We evaded them and watched the two groups meet up and become a circle of eight. They headed off in a new direction together, one close to a weird magnetic pull we were all feeling.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 131

By Bern |  Mar 27, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, bern, ygnas, pish
Bern We sold the smurf balls and devil’s grease to the herbalist Wyrmspittle for about 50 gp. u-Heury somehow showed up while we were there, asking about herbs of a rather more delicate nature. He was a normal size again by then, and we introduced him around to the new folks and vice versa. I made some inquiries about setting up a trade in fashion garb on Oscar’s behalf, he’ll want to try to take advantage of the trade opportunity in selling Aster’s works in Prigswort.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 130

By Bern |  Mar 20, 2024  | osrrealms, dolemwood, bern, ygnas, pish
Bern We went to the Wrinkled Medley to further the investigation into Mr. Klepp. My finely tailored weatherproof cloak and an outlandish haircut got me in past the generally hoity-toity doorman. The bard Hugh was auditioning for a musical act of some time, and the rest of us were tagging along to get information One of the guests, Mr Wyrmspittle, mentioned Mr Klepp, noting that he had been unwell and not getting out much.
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