
A 4-post collection

Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 147

By Oscar |  Aug 28, 2024  | osrrealms, oscar, abraxus, ygnas
Oscar As we waited for a passing person to bring the canoe, Ygnas convinced one of the supplicants to devotre his life to St Anya instead of giving up everything to become a candle. He went off to devote his life to St Anya. The rest of us split up what proceeds we had gathered and returned to our own affairs for some time. The tower of abraxus would have to wait.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 146

By Oscar |  Aug 7, 2024  | osrrealms, oscar, abraxus, ygnas
Oscar We explored the rest of the small series of rooms that seemed to hold discarded equipment. The four pouches held 400gp, which we did not yet divide up among us. One room had barding for a horse, and another 4 sets of plate mail, along with an assortment of weapons. There’s value in those rooms, if we can get it out safely. The most interestikng room was the last, which had visible (and audible) ghosts along with a bricked-up doorway north.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 145

By Oscar |  Aug 1, 2024  | osrrealms, oscar, abraxus, ygnas
Oscar Ygnas is still stuck in her niche, now minus her shield and one boot. We dragged her away to try a few things with little luck. We found Warnock in a niche in the north east niche room. I was able to cast Protection from Evil, which made the sand keep its distance from me. Bless failed, somehow intercepted by the power that rules this place. However, while Ygnas can technically cast spells, they tend to fail rapidly.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 144

By Oscar |  Jul 24, 2024  | osrrealms, oscar, abraxus, ygnas
Oscar The St Yggians held their Feast of the Virgins, a festival centered around finding the most pure and unsullied young womewn and putting them on display in a kind of beauty pageant. It seems like a contradictory idea to me, but I have minions who man the concession stands, so I’m all for it… but this time, the pageant winner was abducted by a vampire. At least, that’s what Nottanis told me when he decided vampires were above his pay grade and called me in.
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