Senior Software Engineer
I am a Senior Software Engineer with experience architecting and implementing solutions with a variety of technologies. I can challenge the status quo and meet aggressive schedules with creative solutions in a variety of fast-paced environments using a diverse range of technologies. From helping small startups survive and thrive to transforming larger organizations, I can deliver results. My experience covers companies both large and small, a globally distributed workforce, the full Java platform, the Linux and open-source ecosystem, the new and exciting Go language, a variety of database platforms, and modern cloud and microservices technologies.
Creating successful solutions requires seeing and solving problems proactively. I have the experience to see the problems, the skills to solve them, and the passion to demand results I can be proud of from myself while helping those around me to do the same. Always learning, always improving, and being responsible for the code I write.
My heart is in the work.
Recent Training
- SANS Netwars 2020 (participated)
- SANS Netwars 2021 (participated)
- SANS Incident Response 2022 GIAC Certified
- Advanced Presentation Skills
Work History
Senior Software Engineer at Cisco
- (2019-Present) Cisco Orbital
Senior Software Engineer at Datical
- (September 2019 - October 2019)
Advisory Software Engineer at IBM
- Working on IBM’s Hardware Management Console for Power Systems
- (July 2012 - September 2019)
Software Engineer at Computer Tasks Group
- Working on IBM’s Hardware Management Console for Power Systems
- (2007 - July 2012)
- Working on the Veteran’s Administration Loan Guaranty webapp
- (2005-2007)
Software Developer at nFusion
- (2001-2005)
- (Contributing Author)
Carnegie Mellon University
- Information and Decision Systems
- Computer Science minor