
Sanford and I took in an exquisite dinner at Raptallen’s in company with Aspith Raptallen, the proprietor. We discussed matters of the fae with the lady Aspith, who told us of the nag-lord to the north and his goat-men threatening Prigswort. We told her about the hole in the oak with the cannibal goat-men, and our adventures near black mirror lake with Lady Ygraine. Aspith also mentioned the lady Harrowmoor, who normally trtaveled regularly to Prigswort, but had not been seen in some time. Aspith requested we take her card to Harrowmoor keep, also to the north, and make inquiries as when Harrowmoor would next return to Prigswort. She promised us a month’s lodging for us and our companions in return for this favor.

We undertook the journey to Harrowmoor Keep. The trip went without incident aside from the rain, but the Harrowmoor guards had no interest in letting us in or passing our inquiries and invitations along. We spent the night outside, on the shore of a lake with a strange whirlpool in the middle. In the morning, 4 goat-men were wading out of the lake. The locals call them crag-horns. They were hostile, disease ridden, and filthy, and luckily we saw them first. I magically put them to sleep, and we killed them all.

Then things got complicated. They had no valuables, besides a severed and half-eaten human head. And their disease was contagious, a form of rabies. Most of us managed to avoid contamination by washing our hands, but Sanfire hadn’t been listening to Feverborne, and caught the infection. Nara went out looking for herbs to try to cure him, while the rest of us headed back to Harrowmoor. Perhaps the encounter with the goat-men will prove persuasive, or Fritzy can recite poetry to gain an audience.