Session map


When Pusha came running out of the southern corridor yelling about a cleric with a corpse crawler for a pet, we decided the better part of valor was to retreat and possibly come back later. Those crawlers are no joke; we heard about them from Feverborne when he was going after the sewer rats. And getting caught between the cleric and the trogolodytes likely already on their way would have been very difficult to escape.

Back on the surface, we spent the night at the Druid and Whale. Nifty had made us all crowns for the festival of virgins, some sort of local beauty pageant. Not my cup of tea, but u-Heury seemed into it, so we planned to attend. I think the winner was named Minerva, but I really wasn’t paying attention.

After the ceremony naming the winner completed, a dark form swooped down from above and took the winner captive. I thought it was all part of the silly human show at first, but Pusha hit the creature with a sling stone to no effect. The screaming and shouting from the audience suggested it was real after all. u-Heury charged the stage, but before he got there, the figure turned into a bat and flew off with the pageant winner. (It must be a very large bat?) The bat flew off towards the tower of black sand, also called Abraxus.

Pusha, u-Heury, and the rest agreed to escort a group of other adventurers to (and into) the tower. They plan to leave at dawn, after picking up vampire hunting tools. I don’t plan to go along. Are they nuts? That’s a vampire.

I’ll stop by the local Denara temple and ask Oscar if he’s willing to go.