Matthew Hunter

Senior Software Engineer

Evil Overlord -- Michael

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 18, 2017  | eviloverlord, gaming
Michael (Human Cleric played by Larry) Michael is a mid level cleric and he’s fine with that. He’s older than some others and a wiser too. He’s also fairly charismatic, not enough to found his own cult, at least not yet, but enough to influence those he is close to and keep the attention of small crowds with short folksy homilies. His holy symbol is shaped like his favorite weapons, hammers.
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Evil Overlord -- Peebles

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 18, 2017  | eviloverlord, gaming
Peebles (A halfling priest played by Chris) Growing up in Elmshire is a quiet, peaceful life. Temperate climate and four distinct seasons, it’s everything a young hobbit could want. Peebles grew up happy, the fifth of seven children. He loved tending to fields and fern, but above all, other halflings. With his love for all living things, joining the priesthood of Yondalla was an easy choice. Serving until young adulthood, Peebles met Maeris Tosscobble at his first 26th birthday.
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Evil Overlord -- Fydillian

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 18, 2017  | eviloverlord, gaming
Fydillian (A lupin priest played by Matt) Fydillian the brave is a lupin of the guardian class of shar-pei. Not much is known about his past, as his first memory is waking up on a beach with a no memory beyond that. Fortunately there was a note left with him explaining his name and race. The note vaguely mentioned a higher purpose and that he would know it when it arrived.
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Evil Overlord -- Gunnar

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 18, 2017  | eviloverlord, gaming
Gunnar (Human fighter played by Coby) Gunnar joined the party when they rescued him from a life of servitude and watery home improvement beneath the evil sahuagin. His past, for the moment, remains a mystery, though his travels with the party gained him experience enough to become a formidable fighter.
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Evil Overlord -- Lenny

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 18, 2017  | eviloverlord, gaming
“Leisure Suit” Lenny (Elven Mortician and Insurance Claims Adjustor played by Matt) The party first met Lenny as he was assisting the Adventure Capitalists with preparing Malag’s body for a return to the living following a tragic workplace accident involving hungry zombies. Given the frequency of the party’s claims on their insurance, Lenny was assigned to shadow the party and write a report on their adherence to applicable adventure guidelines and safety regulations.
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Evil Overlord -- Malag

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 18, 2017  | eviloverlord, gaming
Malag (A half-orc fighter played by Chris) Abandoned as a child, Malag was raised on the streets of Rookroost by local gangs. First unarmed, and then with the sword, Malag rose to be a top enforcer for a group of petty criminals. When the gang was found after pulling a job, Malag escaped alone into the night. With his cruel nature, and quick fists, he learned quickly that a lot of coin can be made as a bounty hunter.
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Evil Overlord -- Seb

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 18, 2017  | eviloverlord, gaming
Seb (A halfling thief played by Chris) Seb hails from Rookroost, where he’s lived all of his life. When he was very young, Seb’s mother became bedridden, growing more sick daily. After she passed, his father, Pimzin, began to take seriously his thieves guild duties. Those duties changed him, however. The once good-natured, calm halfling became cold, methodical, and distant. When Seb was 13, his father left their small apartment, and never returned.
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Evil Overlord -- Norsk

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 18, 2017  | eviloverlord, gaming
Norsk (A half-orc life force repossessor played by Brian) Orphaned at a young age, Norsk never really knew his parents and grew up on the streets of Rookroost, learning life’s lessons the hard way – the strong take what they want, and the ruthless get what they need. Norsk did a favor for a merchant by removing a rival merchant, and got enough coin from this job to set out on his own.
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Evil Overlord -- Elmond

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 18, 2017  | eviloverlord, gaming
Elmond (A Fighter/Cleric/Magic-User played by Dean) I am the true-born son of Elister Brooks and Nora Brooks (formerly Alden). Unlike my bastard older brother I was grudgingly accepted by my mother’s family. Upon coming of age, I was instructed to find my brother and prevent him from besmirching the reputation of the family. I found I enjoyed travelling. In my travels I have not encountered any signs of my brother. I guess this is good for me since I’m technically achieving the assigned goal.
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Evil Overlord -- Character Creation

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 3, 2017  | eviloverlord, gaming
How do I create a character? Creating a character can be a daunting process, especially in 1st edition AD&D, and doubly so if you don’t have the books as a reference. I will outline the basics here to help you at least begin to understand what you need to know. If you don’t have your own copy of the Player’s Handbook, The OSRIC rules are close enough to get you started.
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