Matthew Hunter

Senior Software Engineer

Evil Overlord -- Session 3

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 3, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
S1: Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Previously… The third full game session. Dean (Thic Duc), Mary (Kriselle), Larry (Michael), and Todd (Phil). The adventure resumes where the last session left off. The party has finished their lunch while waiting for the monk to regain consciousness. After an hour or so, he did, and the party reentered the manor, resuming their explorations towards the back area of the first floor. The first room appeared to be a dining room, and was completely empty.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 2

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 3, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
S1: Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh The second full game session. Dean (Thick Duck), Mary (Kriselle), Larry (Michael), Karl (Burgess), Todd (Phil), and Patrick. Todd is a new player, with a magic-user. Initial discussion centered on exploring the mysterious lights and sounds in the manor near Saltmarsh. However, there was some unfinished business to sort out first.. In Dunwitch, a ranger and a magic-user noticed a raving madman standing upon one of the stones at the Holy Day Inn.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 1

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 3, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
The first full game session. Dean (Thic Duc), Mary (Kriselle), Doug (Thorbald), Larry (Fafhrd), and Karl (Burgess). We left the initial group of six people investigating the Sage’s Tower. With one of the players missing, three party members remained just outside the bottom of the staircase, cowering in fear and inexperience… Fafhrd and the Mouser advanced boldly to the right, encountering two doors. One led to a room filled with animals, most of them in cages, but several giant rats and several bat-like creatures turn and rush the party in a frenzied mob.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 0

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 3, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
After a routine trip to Rookroost, Tom o’ the Seven Sevens puts out the word to all residents of Dunwitch. Trouble is afoot, he says. The realm needs those of strong arm, quick mind, dextrous fingers. More than that, the realm needs men of good heart and a thirst for adventure. (“What about ale?” “Aye, that too, but adventure first!”) All men and women nearing adulthood but not yet settled in their lives, or yearning for something more, and especially anyone who is feeling the call of destiny or who has ever been the subject of a prophecy, are requested to gather in the tavern for an announcement that will have a profound impact on their lives, the lives of all their friends, and even the lives of their livestock and pets.
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Evil Overlord -- Pyrzival

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 3, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Pyrzival (A gnome fighter played by Brian) in the Evil Overlord campaign. Pyrzival was born to two tutors to the royal household in the Great Kingdom. When he was young his parents took employment with the King of Nyrond to tutor his children. Pyrzival seemed destined to be a tutor to noble children as well, as he soaked up not only how to teach but also the information they were teaching – that of science, engineering, mathematics, and astronomy.
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Evil Overlord -- Warin

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 3, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Warin (Human cleric played by Coby) in the Evil Overlord campaign. A novice cleric with a yearning for adventure at the beginning of his career, Warin was born and raised on a farm outside Rookroost. Taught to be helpful and kind to his parents, and seeing the state of the world in the Bandit Kingdoms, he joined the small church of St Cuthbert in Darkshelf upon reaching adulthood, hoping that the church would teach him to spread the doctrines of law and order throughout the land.
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Evil Overlord -- Tiberium

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 3, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Tiberium Elyse III (A paladin played by Chris) in the Evil Overlord campaign. Tiberium grew up within a minor noble family located within the County of Urnst. His grandfather, Tiberium the Elder, was granted knighthood and a small estate after making a name for himself in a campaign against an invading tribe of orcs. In the course of that campaign he rescued a gnomish tutor known as Pyrzival, who he later employed as a tutor for his sons.
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Evil Overlord -- Leah

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 3, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Leah (Half-elven Ranger played by Mariel) in the Evil Overlord campaign. Leah is a ranger whose association with Barron keeps them both in a moral grey area. Her father was an elf, and her mother was a human mage who went insane. Having more elfish features physically (than Elward) she was less teased about being a half elf… but everyone talked behind her back about being the daughter of a crazed mage.
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Evil Overlord -- Thic Duc

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 3, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Thic Duc (Human Monk played by Dean) in the Overlord campaign A monk from a distant land (Nyrond), Thic Duc walks the earth in search of impressionable individuals who can be brought to perceive the truth of the one true god. So far, he has successfully converted two people: Kriselle’s parents. He would desperately like to complete the set, and the two have spent many hours discussing philosophy, fungi, and religion while peacefully fishing for mushrooms.
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The Lost Mines of Phandelver -- Session 8

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 1, 2020  | phandelver, gaming
The Lost Mines of Phandelver Dean (Jared), Matt (Spinter Paw), Mariel (Ragash), Chris (Creeper), and James (Kraygen) are returning cast members. We left the group exploring the Redbrand’s hideout, Ford having left to escort the prisoners home. Ford had declared his intention to take the carpenter’s body with him so it could be buried properly, and indeed when the group returned to the center chamber the body was gone. Creeper led the way, investigating a corridor into the north-west area of the building.
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