Matthew Hunter

Senior Software Engineer

Evil Overlord -- Session 33

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 12, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
A0: Danger at Darkshelf Quarry The 33rd full game session. Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Coby (Warin) are returning cast members. Joining the group for the first time are Chris (Seb, a human thief), Jeff (a grey elf wizard known as Amathar), and Brian (a half-orc assassin). As we left the party, they had returned to town after their near-death experience with the killer frogs. After spending the night in the inn recuperating, they woke the next morning to find the town filled with wanted posters.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 32

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 10, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
A0: Danger at Darkshelf Quarry The 32nd full game session. Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Coby (Gunnar/Warin) are returning cast members. As we left the party, they were leaving the cave system conveniently hidden behind a waterfall. They made it about an hour towards town, towing the boat, before Leah heard hoofbeats coming from further downstream. Thic Duc slipped behind the boat and tossed his gear in to disguise the mudtiger, Barron and Gunnar pretended to be drunk, and Leah took on the role of designated walker.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 31

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 10, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
A0: Danger at Darkshelf Quarry The 31st full game session. Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), and (Coby) Gunnar are returning cast members. As we left the party, they had just killed a bear (definitely on the Do-Not-Kill list) nearby to the ventilation shaft running upwards from the mines. They spent the next few hours giving it a proper burial and hiding the evidence of their (very short) battle before preparing to descend the shaft and investigate near dawn.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 30

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 9, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
A0: Danger at Darkshelf Quarry The 30th full game session. Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), and (Coby) Gunnar are returning cast members. As we left the party, they had found rooms at the Rest In Peace overnight. In the morning, Mayor Neistor of Darkshelf was waiting for them in the common room of the inn. He waved them over to his table, recognizing them from a message Elena had sent, and provided them with a copy of his letter to her.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 29

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 9, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
A0: Danger at Darkshelf Quarry The 29th full game session. Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Jon (Elion), Nathan (Kevin) and (Coby) Gunnar are returning cast members. As we left the party, they had just returned to Saltmarsh with a cargo of weapons captured from the sahuagin. After selling the weapons in Saltmarsh, the town council wanted to know why they had so many unusual weapons to sell, so the party shared with them the abbrieviated story of their adventures since the haunted manor.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 28

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 9, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
S3: The Final Enemy The 28th full game session. Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Jon (Elion), and (Coby) Gunnar are returning cast members. As we left the party, they were in dire straits, trapped between a squad of fish-men coming from behind, another squad out front with at least three leaders, their lizard allies absent, and a number of the party dead or missing. Shaggy was shark food, Hargrimm had been knocked unconscious by a blow to the head in the general melee, Scooby was a shishkabob and Fred was somewhere outside the doors where Thic Duc was being dragged, semiconscious, away from his friends.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 27

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 9, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
S3: The Final Enemy The 27th full game session. Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Jon (Elion), Adam (Hargrimm) and (Coby) Gunnar are returning cast members. Adam (Hargrimm) and Coby (Gunnar) are new players who have not yet had a chance to introduce themselves properly. As we left the party, they had just beaten back an attack of sahuagin warriors emerging from the watery entrance to the levels below.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 26

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 9, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
S3: The Final Enemy The 26th full game session. Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Nathan (Kevin), and Mariel (Leah) are returning cast members. Adam (Hargrimm) and Coby (Gunnar) are new players who have not yet had a chance to introduce themselves properly. As we left the party, they had discovered a treasure room filled with magical items and gear . Joined by the Scooby Gang, a small unit of bullywog warriors, and a platoon of lizardfolk soldiers divided into two squads (Leisurely Lieutenant Larry and the Lounge Lizards; Salty the Sargeant and the Leaping Lizards).
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Evil Overlord -- Session 25

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 9, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
S3: The Final Enemy The 25th full game session. Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Nathan (Kevin), and Mariel (Leah) are returning cast members. Dennis (Griff) is a new member. As we left the party, they had been planning their assault on the sahuagin lair. Joined by the Scooby Gang, a small unit of bullywog warriors, and a platoon of lizardfolk soldiers divided into two squads (Leisurely Lieutenant Larry and the Lounge Lizards; Salty the Sargeant and the Leaping Lizards).
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Evil Overlord -- Session 24

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 9, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
S3: The Final Enemy The 24th full game session. Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), and Jon (Elorion), are returning cast members. As we left the party, they had been planning their assault on the sahuagin lair. Joined by the Scooby Gang, a small unit of bullywog warriors, and a platoon of lizardfolk soldiers divided into two squads (Leisurely Lieutenant Larry and the Lounge Lizards; Salty the Sargeant and the Leaping Lizards).
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