Matthew Hunter

Senior Software Engineer

Evil Overlord -- Session 64

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 13, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Chris (Tiberium), Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Brian (Pyrcival), Leah (Ahira), Coby (Warin), and Jeff (Amathar) are returning cast members. As we left the party, they had captured the Princess, claimed they were agents of the Duke sent to return her to her wedding, polymorphed her into a falcon, and promptly took a vacation to train. Thic Duc still needs to find a monk to train with.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 60

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 13, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Chris (Tiberium), Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Brian (Pyrcival), Leah (Ahira), and Coby (Warin) are returning cast members. As we left the party, Thic Duc was in hot pursuit of the Princess, while Leah mourned Pyro and Amathar read through the slavers’ paperwork and prepared the rescued slaves for departure. Thic Duc returned to the rest of the group after an hour or so, reporting that he had lost the Princess in a small town named Garrotten.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 62

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 13, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
A1: Against the Slave Lords Chris (Tiberium), Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Jeff (Amathar), Brian (Pyrcival), Leah (Ahira), and Coby (Warin) are returning cast members. As we left the party, they had found the slave pits, killed their antaur guards, and rescued 4 captive slaves at the cost of the fifth slave’s life. Their searches of the slaving complex revealed a nearby room clearly intended to hold slaves in bulk.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 61

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 13, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
A1: Against the Slave Lords Chris (Tiberium), Dean (Thic Duc), Mariel (Leah), Jeff (Amathar), and Coby (Warin) are returning cast members. As we left the party, they were looking for a safe place and a spare moment to rest following an exhausting fight with the antaurs. Of the Fourth Moonday of the Harvester (Pt. II) The orc witch doctor and his cronies dead, we began to rest and regroup, briefly.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 60

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 13, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
A1: Against the Slave Lords Chris (Tiberium), Dean (Thic Duc), Mariel (Leah), Tim (Cyrus), Jeff (Amathar), and Coby (Warin) are returning cast members. As we left the party, they were looking for a safe place and a spare moment to rest following an exhausting fight with the antaurs. Of the Fourth Moonday of the Harvester If we don’t find Barron, and end these slavers, soon, I may lose my mind.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 59

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 13, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
A1: Against the Slave Lords Chris (Tiberium), Dean (Thic Duc), Matt (Barron), Brian (Pyrcival), and Leah (Ahira) are returning cast members. As we left the party, they had defeated an assault by some sort of repulsive sewer larva from one side and an army of ants from the other. They defeated the ants and decided that discretion was the better part of valor with the larva. However, there are telltale insectoid noises coming from deeper into the ants’ nest, the larva still block that path forward, and From the Diary of Pyrzival the Tutor
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Evil Overlord -- Session 58

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 13, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Chris (Tiberium), Dean (Thic Duc), Mariel (Leah), Matt (Barron), Brian (Pyrcival), and Leah (Ahira) are returning cast members. As we left the party, Barron had magically swapped places with the captured Thic Duc (“I meant to do that!”), and the party was determined to rescue him. Eventually, after they rested a bit, memorized some spells, maybe trained for a few days… Of the Fourth Sunday of the Harvester Progress through the ruined temple is slow.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 57

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 13, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Chris (Tiberium), Dean (Thic Duc), Jeff (Amathar), Mariel (Leah), Matt (Barron), and Brian (Pyrcival) are returning cast members. As we left the party, they had just defeated a trap set by a gang of slavers inhabiting a seemly abandoned fortress. It was actually a perverse sort of morality test, designed to provoke those who had moral objections to the practice of slavery and slay them by ambush. Perhaps fortunately for them, the party has never possessed the quality of subtlety.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 56

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 13, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Chris (Tiberium), Dean (Thic Duc), Tim (Otto/Cyrus), Jeff (Amathar), Mariel (Leah), Matt (Barron), Brian (Pyrcival), and Leah (Ahira) are returning cast members. As we left the party, they had just finished their trial. Tiberium was convicted of assaulting a tax inspector and given 4 lashes (9hp). Barron was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon and evading arrest, sentenced to ten lashes (29 hp; he fainted as they were administered). Warin fainted before his lashes were administered at all.
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Evil Overlord -- Session 55

By Matthew Hunter |  Nov 13, 2020  | eviloverlord, gaming
Chris (Tiberium), Dean (Thic Duc), Tim (Otto), Cody (Warin), Jeff (Amathar), Mariel (Leah), Matt (Barron), and Brian (Pyrcival) are returning cast members. Leah (Ahira) is new. As we left the party, Tiberium and Warin were in prison. The rest of the party spend the night at a nearby inn. Oddly, Otto the halfling was hailed by his cousin, who had heard of his recent involvement in a stabbing and wanted to hear the story himself.
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