By Matthew Hunter
| Sep 18, 2021
Lyrian was born a street rat. She was such a pretty child, her parents gave her to the beggars guild. Lyrian made the guild their investment many times over before she was a teenager. Having aged out of the beggar child role, she started begging with fake injuries or diseases. Always moving, never in the same part of town, or the same city or town, more than a few days. She’s seen thieves in action every day, and can spot a con a mile off.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 28
Feverborne So the kid disappeared right after he stepped into the pool. Nobody wanted to try to follow him in. I tried tossing some pebbles where he was, but they passed right through the spot he was standing. No luck with that. I played out some rope and tossed it into the water, basically fishing for a barbarian. No luck with either. Well, hate to say it, kid, but you’ve got a habit of running off and then coming back just fine.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 27
Frederick Well, I do say I had the strangest experience of my life today. I was talking, well drinking really, with one of the newest members of our little band. Odd girl likes to use a sword and a dagger at the same time. Who does that?
Anyways she reminded me of some missing members, people who had found some sort of secret thingamajig in the library and gone to explore it and never came back.
By Matthew Hunter
| Sep 10, 2021
Ygnas was sold by her parents to the Sage when she was a small child. Intended to be a servant, the Sage discovered that the girl was bright and curious, so she became his apprentice. When she got a little older, she started asking questions about everything. This annoyed him, and he put a gag on her for a few weeks. She learned to find the answers herself in the tower library, and to be quiet.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 26
Feverborne So we dragged u-Heury through the big room with the pillars and the dog statues. Whatever was on that needle really put him out. We left him propped up in another corner to investigate another room. This place has been pretty symmetrical so far, but the Eastern version of this room had statues and a moldy tapestry on the east wall. All the statues had solid weapons, real ones.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 25
Feverborne I dropped Snausages off with the group and headed down to Westkeep, where Oscar has gotten himself off to. I guess the man was chasing rewards from the talking frog. I bumped into him in the Dolemwood,I guess after he interrupted some sort of ceremony. He wanted to make arrangements for some sort of new temple on the woods. I thought his god was all about civilization? Anyways I agreed to investigate this ceremony thing and the barrow on his behalf.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 24
Stria I searched around town for the three henchmen that abandoned us in the tomb. No one had seen them. Met up with Feverborne. He at least agrees with me that the absconding henchmen need to be dealt with. He got the name of the mother of one. I went with him and he talked to the mother, and learned that the absconder liked to go to another town for carousing.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 23
Ygnas We left the altar the next morning and headed into the hills. Almost ran into a caravan of orcs. Lots of orcs. Luckily, they didn’t notice us, because there were way too many for us to handle. Wonder what they had in their wagons, though. I took first watch twice during our travels. No one was watching me, so I could over-enthusiastically poke the fire all I wanted. None of the embers that fell out started a wildfire, though.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 22
Ygnas I returned to town after not finding any blasphemous dams. Oscar wanted to bring a talking frog home. In return for a promised reward, of course. A druid named Yip agreed to guide us. We came to an abandoned timber mill with 2 dead bodies. Yip was just going to leave them out in the woods, but I said I’d be happy to build a pyre. Lovely flames. They were consigned to the flames, their souls purified.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 21
Ygnas Ygnas: I was travelling through the woods on a mission for Zuul. I don’t remember what happened after that. I woke up with a splitting headache, tied up in what looked like the inside of a tree, but smelled like a barnyard. There were … things… that looked like an unnatural cross between sheep and men. They had a bunch of other people there. They killed and ate them.