Matthew Hunter

Senior Software Engineer

Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 51

By Oscar |  Mar 10, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar We made it to Threshold and stored our wagon and gear just outside the gate. We stayed the night at the Druid and Whale, because the alternative inn, a place called The Drunken Knight, only allows women and elves. On our way to the temple of Denara, we witnessed a mugging; a minor merchant had been set upon by three ruffians from an organization called the Debased Currency or something similar.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 50

By Oscar |  Mar 3, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar So it turns out the knights were in fact bandits; they demanded a toll of three gold each to cross their ford. Honestly, I never knew trolls could be knighted, nor fit into a suit of heavy armor. They complained about barbarian attacks in the area, and questioned u-Heury closely, but I vouched for the boy and he was not of the same tribe causing the problems. They let us pass without issue once the toll was paid.
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Out of the Abyss -- Session 6

By Alamar |  Feb 23, 2022  | outoftheabyss, gaming, alamar, alia
Alamar In Grindlebuck we bought some clothes (and I bought a glaive) and were promptly attacked by a stone giant with two heads who didn’t enjoy our fashion sense. We hurt him badly, particularly Alia, who seems quite effective with a bow. I’ll have to make sure to steal her bowstring before trying to steal a kiss. But the fight attracted attention from the guards, who subdued the giant while we returned to our inn.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 49

By Oscar |  Feb 17, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar, stria
Oscar Go to Threshold, they said. Bring your wagon, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Nope. So far, we have been rained on by blood, cursed at by peasants, solicited by naked elven ladies and a golden dragon, and had a very expensive mule eaten by hyenas that were, apparently, better armored than most humans. We ended our trip at a ford guarded by 6 heavily armored bandits… err, knights, until proven to be bandits, which is likely to be shortly.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 47

By Oscar |  Feb 12, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar I write once more with a heavy heart. The dwarf Girm, accompanied by friends Stria and u-Heury, brought me the ashes of Denara’s paladin Frederick. I knew Frederick but little; we rarely adventured together, fearing that two servants of Denara in close proximity would be too much risk of an irrepairable loss to our goal of founding a temple in this region. I’m inforemed those who knew him better referred to him as “The Apocalypse”, and he certainly lived up to his name, if the tale Girm told is even a little bit true.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 47

By Fred |  Feb 3, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, frederick
Fred We were all badly hurt, so we focused on recuperating while Stria mixed up a lovely treat to feed to the basilisks before we killed them. Some kind of fish stew that came from a faraway land. She said it was poy sin stew. We hired a dwarf named Girm and a man and his toothless dog and set off towards the big tree, with two mules pulling Oscar’s cart that I should really tell him I’ve been borrowinmg.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 46

By Frederick |  Jan 27, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, frederick
Fred My plan worked! I took off my armor, lay down my weapons, and armed only with two vials of holy water, snuck up on the ghouls as they feasted on the (relatively) fresh corpse of one of our guards. Invoking Denara, I threw the vial and hit one of them right between the eyes! It screamed and gave chase. I ran all the way back to the rest of the group, who had set up an ambush around the teleporting rug.
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Out of the Abyss -- Session 5

By Alamar |  Jan 22, 2022  | outoftheabyss, gaming, alamar
Alamar We finally got to Grindlebuck or whereever we were going, a city filled with dwarves, which is only marginally better than a city filled with fish that got ate by a demon. The first thing we saw was someone get murdered, so of course Alia took their purse. He had only 17gp so he certainly wasn’t killed because he was rich. Getting there was a bitch. We scared off the stirges, or maybe exterminated them entirely (I hope!
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 45

By Fred |  Jan 20, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, frederick
Fred After spending a few days healing in Eastdale, u-Heury felt well enough to walk around town. We visited the wizard and sold him the scroll of dim-in-you-son. I bought some gear and hired a guy and his dog, and we went out to the holy oak to try to trick the ghouls out of their treasure. When we spent the night there, we were attacked by glowing balls of light and had to use our pillows to fight them off!
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Out of the Abyss -- Session 4

By Alamar |  Jan 13, 2022  | outoftheabyss, gaming, alamar
Alamar I hate the underdark. We fought stirges, mermen, a water weird and it’s pet soggy mummy, and something else that I can’t even remember on our way between two cities that I definitely can’t pronounce. At least the mummy had treasure, even if the tapestries were waterlogged and probably now worthless. Do people mummify their ancestors, stuff treasure into their sarcophagi, and drop them down wells? Is that a thing?
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