Matthew Hunter

Senior Software Engineer

Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 84

By Nottanis |  Dec 5, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, nottanis
Nottanis We set off towards Threshold, planning to cut through the forest to make better time. Our plan was foiled by the mold, or pudding, or ooze, or slime, or whatever it was. It simply moves slowly. So slowly that it took days to travel a few miles. And every single day was a nervewracking exercise in wondering if the spell had worn off yet, not to mention watching it all night to make sure it didn’t eat Rowen, Sanfire, or Stria.
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Out of the Abyss -- Session 13

By Alamar |  Nov 27, 2022  | outoftheabyss, gaming, alamar
Alamar We fought the “puppies”, which turned out to be gnolls. They mentioned Yeegnohu before they died. I ate one of their souls, but still felt unsatisfied. Empty. I was craving… something. Pickles? Ice cream? After a short rest we resumed our journey, and eventually reached a large cavern filled with webs. Two goblins met us at the entrance, Spiderbait and Yum-Yum. Whoever named them had a truly morbid sense of humor, but they didn’t seem to care, merrily using some sort of special grease to surf the webbing around the cave.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 83

By Nottanis |  Nov 24, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, nottanis
Nottanis Feverborne, Sanfire, and Ygnas casme back from the sewers looking discouraged. Ygnas and Feverborne needed a few days to recover, but Sanfire was ready to go, so we gathered a few others and took a side trip to the Caves of Chaos. We traveled to the far western end of the valley, where a natural cave bore claw marks and scratches from a large beast. Sanfire went inside and found an owlbear – and the owlbear found him.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 82

By Feverborne |  Nov 17, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, feverborne
Feverborne With one wererat fleeing from a snoutful of wolfsbane, the rest of us rushed into the room. Alas, we were not quick enough to reach them before we lost the advantage of surprise. Sanfire had told me where to find both of the rats, but I could only see the one choking on herbs. I ran to cut off his escape path, striking a blow with my silver dagger, but the second one fell upon me from behind.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 81

By Feverborne |  Nov 9, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, feverborne
Feverborne We retreated to the surface and arranged to spend a few days at the Druid and Whale recuperating. u-Heury wandered off to tell his tribe about his innovations in urban barbarism, and the by some ill fortune his replacement was a halfling named Sanford. I didn’t know him well and it soon becsme obvious that the lazy little shit deserved every bit of my dilligent efforts to avoid him.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 80

By Feverborne |  Nov 3, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, feverborne
Feverborne The wererats charged us before we could charge them, trapping us in the staircase. Awkward. u-Heury pulled back furher up the stairs to force them to come to us. I pulled out my (borrowed) longbow and shot over his head, hitting one of the wererats in the gut with a silver arrow. That pissed them off, but recognizing the poor tactical position, they withdrew and called for reinforcements. We charged into the empty room, but failed to catch them.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 79

By Feverborne |  Oct 13, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, feverborne
Feverborne Word arrived from Oscar that some of the Glorious Blades had found something interesting in the sewers under Threshold. A small shrine to a nearly forgotten minor goddess of cleansing, lost and surrounded by filth and wererats. The Venus Cloacina, protecting a beautiful sword. The answer to my prayers and my search for meaning. I had never been a healthy child, as my name suggests. but ever since I had taken up the adventuring life, it had gotten worse.
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 78

By Oscar |  Oct 6, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar Our testing of the valve configurations proved fruitful. We rapidly discovered that turning both valves to the right (east) raised the porticullis leading to the shrine, which is located just south of the valve room, and turning the left valve up and the right valve right raises a dam that allows the shrine to drain. Within the shrine of a statue, along with writing. If a hero you would be and see my foe’s filth, vermin and plague destroyed, grant me a weapon and I will grant you the means to see it through.
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Out of the Abyss -- Session 12

By Alamar |  Oct 2, 2022  | outoftheabyss, gaming, alamar
Alamar The guards escorted us out of the city, actually putting us out in front of a group of drow. Drow who happened to be looking for us. Well, me. And Creg, I guess. Of course I had already put them out of mind, and they attacked us immediately after leaving the city. In sight of the guards at the gate, even. We killed them, of course. I killed four myself!
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Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 77

By Oscar |  Sep 29, 2022  | osrrealms, gaming, oscar
Oscar Rowen opened the east door, but it was empty this time. At least empty of wererats. It did have some kind of sewage channel, and evidence that filthy creatures had camped there until recently. After a quick search we moved to the south door. This one was also empty of rats, but did have a closet, a staircase leaeding to the surface, and some creepy construction methods that made the moaning noises we had noted previously when the wind blew.
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