The Lost Mines of Phandelver -- Session 11
Dean (Jared), Matt (Spinter Paw), Chris (Creeper), Jeff (Ford), Coby (Kyros), and James (Kraygen) are returning cast members.
We left the party resting in the ruins of Cragmaw Castle, which they had earlier cleared of occupants. Only the squirrels had moved back in. When dawn rose, the party left the castle and followed Creeper’s directions through Neverwinter Wood towards Thundertree. Miraculously, their journey went unnoticed and unmolested by denizens of the Wood.
The Lost Mines of Phandelver -- Session 10
Dean (Jared), Matt (Spinter Paw), Mariel (Ragash), Chris (Creeper), Jeff (Ford), Coby (Kyros), and James (Kraygen) are returning cast members.
We left the party resting in the orc cavern. Near dawn a pack of wolves threatened from the cave entrance, but the party ran them off with loud noises and fire.
From there, they returned to Old Owl Well, where the necromancer Kost was busy excavating with his crew of zombies.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 4
Feverborne I met some new adventurers today. Seems one of St Ygg’s bunch had a vision or something and realized they were stuck in the wilderness, needing help, or maybe just an infusion of courage. I’m a fighting man and got no lack of that, so off I went.
Turns out they were all alive, just half dead from poison. Some sort of snake creature called an amphi… Something. Two heads, no ass, poisonous obviously.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 3
Oscar I resume writing after a very long day of events both chilling and deadly!
Last night I interrupted two men loitering near u-Heury’s room, pretending to be drunk. At first, my efforts to awaken my companions were in vain. I was forced to carry through on my bluff, taking my chamberpot downstairs to empty it into the water closet. Amazing that a town so small has sewers!
After a minute or two I started up the stairs again, hoping to catch the two men in some nefarious act.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 2
Oscar We started where we left off – sitting in a wagon full of offal, plus a crate of iron ingots marked with the mark of the Silver Citadel. We had just reclaimed it from a band of orcs outside their cave (without actually dealing with the orcs), and then fleeing. The horse was exhausted, as were we, but we chose to press on back to Eastdale. We were delayed by the need to bypass round a field of some reddish flowers.
Realms of the Old School Renaissance -- Session 1
Oscar Ten of us and a rented mule set out to discover what befell a missing caravan. The local church leadership believed the caravan had been raided by orcs. Our task was to find out what happened, recover the cargo if possible, save the men if possible, and destroy whoever was responsible for the attack, presuming there was one.
One night outside of town we found a henge on a hill with wagon tricks leading in, along with a lot of blood.
The Lost Mines of Phandelver -- Session 9
The Lost Mines of Phandelver Dean (Jared), Matt (Spinter Paw), Mariel (Ragash), Chris (Creeper), and James (Kraygen) are returning cast members.
We left the group having forced the Redbrands out of Phandalin. They reunited with Ford, who had escorted the prisoners from the Redbrand’s hideout back home. He informed them that there was still a strange tentacle monster underneath the hideout, eating the remains they had found. The party returned long enough to slay the creature and recover the carpenter’s body.
Evil Overlord -- Session 81
L2: The Assassin’s Knot Dean (Thic Duc), Chris (Tiberium), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Coby (Warin), Jeff (Amathar), Leah (Ahira), and Brian (Pyrzival) are returning cast members.
We left the Band of Misfits watching Pyrcival climb the wall of the inner keep, only to be ambushed by ghouls and paralyzed. Barron polymorphed himself into a dragon and rescued him, dropping Warin off to try to turn the undead… but he dropped Warin right in between the two ghouls, who promptly paralyzed him.
Evil Overlord -- Session 80
L2: The Assassin’s Knot Dean (Thic Duc), Chris (Tiberium), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Coby (Warin), Jeff (Amathar), Leah (Ahira), and Brian (Pyrzival) are returning cast members.
We left the Band of Misfits having returned to Highport with four corpses and very little actual evidence. After interrogating the corpses, they had obtained two names: Arness and Ascue. Amathar examined the notes in the ledger and compared the handwriting to tax assessments from Garotten, and they appeared to match: Tellish.
Evil Overlord -- Session 79
L2: The Assassin’s Knot Dean (Thic Duc), Chris (Tiberium), Matt (Barron), Mariel (Leah), Coby (Warin), Jeff (Amathar), Leah (Ahira), Brian (Pyrzival), and Sherrie (Mirabelle) are returning cast members.
We left the Band of Misfits investigating a murder in Garrotten. They had recently captured Oscar and Basmar, suspecting the former of being involved with the Duke’s assassination and the latter of delivering the assassin (possibly without knowing his purpose). Basmar was released after being interrogated, but Oscar was retained, receiving religious instruction from Thic Duc and Warin.